
Friday 8 February 2019

English 2019


Agenda - List of items, or a given perspective.

Authority - Someone who is an authority on something knows a lot about it.

Bias - Someone who favours one person or thing unfairly.

Credible - If someone or something is credible you can believe it.

Manipulate - To influence or control people or events.

Perspective - A particular way of looking at something.

Reliable - A person or thing that can be trusted to do what you want.

Source- The person, place or thing that something comes from.


The onion

- What does the website look like?
- What photos is it using
- What headlines are they sharing
- Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website

  1. Looks professional but the titles of stories are giving it away  
  2. photos of actual people
  3. Long headlines that are obviously fake
  4. Satirical website

- What does the website look like?
- What photos is it using
- What headlines are they sharing
- Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website

  1. Realistic
  2. Famous people
  3.  The photos look real
  4. Factual

- What does the website look like?
- What photos is it using
- What headlines are they sharing
- Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website

  1. Fake
  2. Photos of famous people.
  3. Fake headlines with swearing etc.
  4. Satirical

 - What does the website look like?
- What photos is it using
- What headlines are they sharing
- Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website

  1. Looks like other websites such as "The Press"
  2. Photos of people and cars to make it look real
  3. The headlines aren't crazy but they are very long
  4. Satirical

 - What does the website look like?
- What photos is it using
- What headlines are they sharing
- Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website

  1. Looks like fake news
  2. Some photos on articles are the same.
  3. Fake headlines such as "Scientists discover beer taste 97 per cent better on a train".
  4. Satirical

The Herald

 - What does the website look like?

- What photos is it using
- What headlines are they sharing
- Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website

  1. Realistic
  2. Mugshots for like criminals 
  3. Headlines that aren't too crazy or too long
  4. Factual

 - What does the website look like?
- What photos is it using
- What headlines are they sharing
- Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website

  1. Looks real
  2. Photos of famous people
  3. They look realistic but once you read them you know they're fake
  4. Satirical

 - What does the website look like?
- What photos is it using
- What headlines are they sharing
- Do you think it is a factual website, or a satirical website

  1. Realistic title and layout
  2. Fake looking images
  3. Realistic titles
  4. Satirical

  • Can you find this image online?
  • Crap test
  • Google Image search
  • General Google search
  1. Yes, found heaps 
  2.  It is fake
  3. Found an image saying that it is fake and just a massive traffic jam in China
  4. Found multiple news sites saying its fake
Is this a real story?


Why do you think people shared this photo online?

Because the fuel prices are going up and they thought it would work for other countries too if it was real and because it would've seemed realistic as it was around the time fuel prices went up.


Q. Who is the most likely audience and why?
A. Adults as they are usually the ones wanting whiter teeth.

Q. What does the author want us to know?
A. All the benefits your supposedly gonna get using this toothpaste.

Q. What kind of language is used in this text?
A. The lady is using bigger words to describe there product to make it seem better and more professional.

Q. Who benefits from this text?
A. The seller because the ad could increase their sales


Q. What do these images suggest?
A. That if you buy there product and use it you wont need to comb or brush your hair.

Q. Who is the most likely audience of this text and why?
A. People with longer hair, most likely female teens and adults.

Q. What are the structures and features of this text?
A. They used actors with nice long hair in this ad to make it out like if you use it your hair will be like theirs.

Q. What do these images suggest?
A. That you should buy their product


Q. What do the words suggest?
A. That they are a lot better then normal water balloons

Q. What has been left out from the text?
A. The amount of rubbish you still have to pick up the little ties off the ground and the thing leftover after they've been used also how many packets you will need because they don't come with many.

Q. What kinds of social realities does this play?
A. More about not having to fill up and tie every single water balloon

Q. Who is the most likely audience and why?
A. Families for family fun and bonding


Q. What views of the world is this text presenting?
A. That you will save your money and not have to go to the supermarket you can go have their food

Q. Who's views are excluded from the text?
A. Doctors views are excluded because doctors will want to warn you about the bad things in the food and want to tell you to go supermarket instead.

Q. What do these words suggest?
A. That McDonald's food is a better option then supermarket food.

Q. Who is the most likely audience of this text and why?
A. Families, because they will be looking for something to eat

Pizza Hut

Q. Who benefits from this text?
A. Pizza Hut

Q. What do the words suggest?
A. That you should buy their pizza as there is a half price sale

Q. What kind of language is used in this text?
A. Good English

Q. What has been left out of the text?
A. Why there is such a big sale

Hare & Tortoise 

Q. Who benefits from the text?
A. The reader as it teaches you things like "slow and steady wins the race".

Q.  What do the words suggest?
A.  They're teaching you about not to always think you're gonna win

Q. What does the author want us to know?
A. That they tortoise kept going even though people thought he would lose

Q. How are the characters constructed in the text?
A. The hare being cheeky and thinking he will always be a winner and the tortoise being humble and taking his time.

The Trolley

Q. What does the author want us to know?
A. That this is proof that you don't need to be rich and have good presents for Christmas and all you need is happiness and family

Q. What kinds of social realities does this text portray?
A. About how every kid just want the flashest most expensive presents but they don't have to cost much to be fun

Q. Is the text fair?
A. Yes

Q. Who benefits from the text?
A. The reader as it can teach you a lot

Gods Plan

Q. Who is the most likely audience of this text?
A. Young adults because most of Drakes fans aren't that young or old

Q. What is this text about? How do we know?
A. It is about how Drake wasn't always rich and successful so now that he is he is giving back to the community and some people in need.

Q. What views of the world is this text presenting?
A. People who don't have a lot of money can still be happy and good things can come there way even if they don't think it will.

Q. Who is allowed to speak?
A. Drake and the people he's gifting things to


  • What do you think Critical Literacy is? - Being able to take apart texts and writing in the media etc.
  • What did you learn during Critical Literacy? - To check where your information is actually coming from in case it is fake
  • What did you find challenging during Critical Literacy? - Having to answer the matrix questions without using the same questions
  • How will you use  Critical Literacy skills in real life? - I will be able to properly check the information source to make sure it is up to date and correct
  • What are you looking forward to in English? - Not sure yet

Dystopian Literature:

Synonyms - Apocalypse, Anti-utopia

Antonym - Utopia, Dreamland

Defining Features of dystopia:

  • Citizens relinquish all rights
  • Seemingly perfect societies with a dark side to them
  • Full government control
  • Citizens have a fear the outside world
  • The rise of technology
  • Worship one leader
  • Live in dehumanised state
Which dystopian novels have you read: Abomination
Any other dystopian novels can you name? : Unwind, Maze Runner


Must do questions:

How do you think this story will be written? Not sure
Why do you think the story is entitled as it is? The war must've been quite sudden
Where do you think the story will take place? Australia
What time period do you think the story is set in? the early 1900's as it says when the war began

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the first person narration?

What kind of story do you think Ellie is going to tell? Uses evidence from the text to support your answers

Must Do Questions:

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of first person narration? That you get the version of events from the main character
  2. What kind of story do you think Ellie is going to tell? Uses evidence from the text to support your answers. A story involving murder "The
    locals all told stories about the Hermit from Hell, an ex-murderer who was supposed to have lived up there for years. He was meant to have killed his own wife and child."
  3. What set of skills do these characters have that convince their parents that they can ‘go bush’ independently. Find examples for three characters. That one is a good driver and trusted by his parents to take the land rover,
  4. What picture of Kevin do we get in chapter 3? That he was the one that wouldn't let them give up back there.
  5. What does Ellie liken Fi to? Do you think this is a fair assessment of her character. Use examples from the text to support your thinking
  6. Ellie claims that ‘Hell’ is only a label and that people label things all the time, often ignoring or overlooking certain labelled places or things. She then comes to the conclusion that ‘Hell was people’. Is she right? What’s your opinion, on labeling and Hell? She would've labelled it because it looks wild so people just assume its bad
  7. What was especially peculiar about the planes that flew over Hell? ‘Their ------, their ------, their----- frightened me.’ Do these characteristics have any significance? Their noise, their speed, their darkness, they are a bit dodgy and these are the people coming to invade Australia.

Vocabulary Meanings -

Chronological - The order of something.

Authority - When you are the one that can give orders.

Alternatives - Other ways to do something.

Gratification - Something that makes you feel good.

Obstinate - Being stubborn.

Hoist - A machine fore lifting loads.

Unsympathetic - When you don't care about someones situation.

Scrutinising - Being really careful with something.

Commemoration - A ceremony for someone who has passed or something that has happened in the past.

Hysterically - Not being able to control your feelings or behaviour.

Concealed - Preventing something from being seen or known about.


What is Australia day? A national public holiday in Australia, commemorating the founding of New South Wales 26 January 1788.
They celebrate all things they love about Australia: land, lifestyle, democracy, the freedom but mostly their people.
Australia day is a public holiday, it is a day off for most in Australia schools and most businesses are closed on this day. Many have a day off work and celebrate by doing things including barbecues, going to concerts or playing/watching sports events. This day is also the day Australian citizenship ceremonies are often held, these ceremonies are to welcome immigrants who have been granted citizenship to Australia. 

Must Do Questions:
  1. What does Corrie’s choice in career say about her character? - She likes helping people
  2. What is the first sign that something is wrong at Ellie’s house? - Dogs had died
  3. Do you think the way the teenagers reacted to the realisation that Australia may have been invaded or at war was realistic? Why/why not - I don't think they would've because it hasn't happened in their lifetime before so it doesn't seem like something that would actually happen it just seems like it would happen in a movie.
  4. What possible reasons exist that could spark war or invasion of Australia? - They wanted to start a war or to get resources
  5. Which people in the group are starting to stand out as leaders, is this surprising? Why/why not? - Homer because before this whole thing happened he wasn't even trusted to hand out the books in the school
  6. How is Ellie’s image of Kevin changing in chapter 7 from chapter 3? - They get along better
  7. Why does the idea of a female soldier surprise Ellie? - Because this wasn't something you usually just think of being a soldier a male job
  8. Ellie and Kevin’s quick-thinking allowed them to turn a ride-on lawnmower
       into a bomb. Was this moral behaviour? Did they do the right thing, or
       should they have surrendered themselves? - Yes if they didn't do it they could've got caught and kidnapped by soldiers.

  1. Homer says, “This is war now, normal rules don’t apply.. They’re the ones who tore up the rule book, not us”” What does this say about his character? What do you think of the validity of his opinions? - Because the soldiers are the ones that started the war not them
  2. What pieces of evidence from the book inform the reader that this invasion wasn’t entirely peaceful? Find at least 3 examples.-



Underestimate - Something to be smaller then it really is

Itinerary - Something that is like a planned journey

Improvise - Create or perform something without being prepared for it

Motivate - Provide something with a reason for doing something or cheer them on.

Conspicuous - Being visible and clear

Feeble - Not having much physical strength usually as a result of age or illness.

Delirious - Disturbed state of mind usually after lack of sleep
Sentry - A soldier stationed to keep guard

Agonise - Undergo great mental anguish through worrying about something

Famine - Extreme scarcity of food/ food shortages


2014 invasion of Ukraine

  • There were soldiers that invaded so Russia's military
  • They came in unmarked military vehicles like the shady planes that flew across when they were in Hell 
  • They also armed heavy weapons
  • They were soldiers that were stationed to keep guard armed with heavy weapons


Must Do Questions: Why, in Ellie’s opinion, is Cobbler’s Bay and Wirrawee so important to the invaders?
Corrie and Ellie reminisce about how innocent they were in high school and even a few days ago. Why were they still innocent then? Because they hadn't been invaded then
Why are they no longer innocent? Because they hadn't yet killed those people with blowing up the mower
By blowing up Corrie’s house, what does the invading force demonstrate to the teenagers? That they are willing to get rid of any threats
Describe the strategy Homer and Ellie use to ensure their safety when riding their bikes into town. What does this show about how they are starting to think? They are starting to think this is a life or death situation and they need to be careful
How does Ellie feel as she is waiting in the truck at the Council Depot?
Where do her emotions come from?
Why is it so terrible that Chris falls asleep while on sentry duty? Because he was meant to be watching out for them whilst they slept
How does Ellie react? angrily by screaming and yelling
Why do you think she reacts this way? because he risked their lives and something could've happened
How does she feel about her reaction later? She feels like she over-reacted



 Surreptitious - Something that is kept a secret, usually when it's something that is not allowed

Evasion - The action of escaping or avoiding someone or something

 Impenetrable - Something being impossible to pass or to go into
Patriotic - Supporting and expressing love to your country

Reconnaissance - Military observation to locate an enemy

Inaccessible - Unable to be reached

Gaunt - A person who is lean and haggard usually a person is gaunt when suffering, hunger or can sometimes be age

Conscript - A person enlisted compulsorily

WRITING - Chris fell asleep on sentry duty. Rewrite an ending to this event where the teenagers are found by the invaders. Whose point of view are you writing from? What happens? How do they react/feel? -

Corries point of view

I was sleeping peacefully knowing that we had Chris on sentry duty but suddenly, I hear footsteps, so sudden, so loud it sounded like heaps of soldiers, I immediately got up and ran for the weapons but it was too late we already had guns pointing to us and we were being escorted out by at least ten soldiers, I thought they were gonna kill us or maybe even blow up the house but instead they took us to the showgrounds and tied us up and kept us locked in separate rooms. I was scared and trying to figure out a way to escape, I was also confused as to why Chris didn't tell us people were coming. 

Chapter 13-16
Must Do Questions:

  1. All the teenagers have a specific role to play in their group. Describe the roles each teenager plays?
  2. According to what the teenagers hear on Corries radio, why would America be best not to get involved in Australia’s struggle? They would find themselves in the costliest bloodiest war in history
  3. Why is Australia being invaded? To get more land for more people to live on.
  4. What do Kevin and Robyn argue about? Do you think Robyn’s points are fair? About Robyn thinking Kevin doesn't really care about the invasion. Robyn's points are fair because he thinks its just apart of Kevin's religion and that it's fair that they want land.
  5. “Paradise of Hell” is an oxymoron. What does it mean.
  6. Kevin’s hatred of the invaders is quite extreme. Why do you think he is so angry? Because they have taken over his country and have his family
  7. Despite the fact that the teenagers are in the midst of a war zone, evading enemy soldiers and planning guerrilla operations, they still find time to harbour romances. Do you think this is realistic? No because they would be focusing more on their situation
  8. Briefly summarise the story of the Hermit from Hell. Do you believe he killed his family?
    That a wife and child were shot and it was apparently the husband/dad that shot them and burnt them.
  9. --- I don't think he did it to kill them but just to put them out of their misery after being burnt.


Reverential - A way people characterise one

Distinguish - Recognise or treat someone or something differently

Violated - To break a law, rule, agreement, promise, instructions etc, To disturb rudely, To break through or pass by force, To treat someone as if they are irrelevant, To molest sexually.

Scrounge - To borrow an item or small amount without any intention of repaying or giving back.

Astonished - To fill with sudden surprise

Consolation - The act of comfort

Gallantry - Heroic bravery, being brave, having courage etc.

Stern - Being strict, discipline

Begrudging - To be reluctant to give

Crusade - Any aggressive movement for the defence of someone/something

RESEARCH- “Paradise of Hell” is an oxymoron. Find out what oxymorons are used for. Find five more examples of Oxymorons that are used in the ‘real world’ and give their meanings. Have a go at creating your own oxymorons.

Oxymorons are used for a variety of things, Sometimes they're used to create a little bit of drama for the reader, sometimes they are used to make a person stop and think.

  1. Walking dead
  2. Clearly confused
  3. True Myth
  4. Wierdly normal


Must Do Questions:

  1. Why does Ellie feel uncomfortable with Chris bringing cigarettes and alcohol into Hell?
  2. What is meant by a “clean war”? Why are the invaders so intent on having a ‘clean war’?
  3. What happened to the soldiers involved in the lawnmower incident, according to Robyn? How does this make Ellie feel?
  4. Why do you think prisoners are sent to clean up the houses around town?
  5. What makes Ellie think the soldiers walking past them are professionals? (Ch.19)
  6. What are some clues that the group is starting to think ‘more like soldiers’?
  7. Why is Ellie nervous about being paired with Fi? Were her concerns about Fi realised? Explain.
  8. What is true courage according to Ellie?
  9. What problems do Fi and Ellie encounter on their mission to bring the tanker to the appropriate place under the bridge? How do they deal with these problems



Manslaughter - The unlawful killing of a human

Aggravated - To be annoyed or irritated

Guerrilla - A member of irregular soldiers

Interject - To insert between other things

Smug -  Confident of ones ability

Vicious - Characterise by an evil habit or practise

Emphatically - Uttered or to be uttered strongly

Scuffle - To struggle

Sideswipe - To strike with a sweeping stroke

Elated - very happy or proud


Research author John Marsden. Who was he and why was he inspired to write Tomorrow, When the War Began.  What other books has he written. Present your information in a poster, slideshow or video. CLICK LINK TO VIEW -

  1. How do Ellie and Fi feel as they are leaving the scene on their motorbikes? Are these realistic feelings? P.273
  2. Why do you think the group decided to blow up the bridge?
  3. How is this exploit different from the other exploits the group has been on e.g visiting the showgrounds and rescuing Lee?
  1. How does Kevins decision to go with Corrie change our perspective of him from Chapter 3/7 P280-281

  1. What is Ellie’s concern about her story? P.283-284
  2. What do you think will happen to Corrie and Kevin?


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