
Tuesday 5 February 2019

Critical Literacy

  • What makes this video convincing?
  • Who published this video?
  • How are teenagers portrayed in this clip?
  • Why has the director cast them this way?
  • In whose interest is this text?
  • Who is real in this text?
  • What social realities does this video portray?

  1. That it was advertised as a "News" type show
  2. "The Onion" on YouTube
  3. Like all they do is go on phones and are small minded
  4. To show that social media is taking over teenagers and make it more believable
  5. Parents & Teens
  6. There not
  7. That teenagers are addicted to phones and social media

  • What aspects of stories was she (Andrea)  interested in?
  • What did the ad imply with the big diamond ring?
  • What is subtext?
  • With CL, can each student have their own answer?
  • What does Andrea compare CL to?
  • How can CL be applied to your life outside of school?

  1. The messages that we don't see straight away
  2. That the will only be in love if they have diamond ring and the man is usually buying the women something
  3. "Reading between the lines"
  4. Yes
  5. Being able to know what you're supposed to see
  6. You can see messages you don't see straight away outside of school

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