
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Market Day

3 things that went well… 
  • Our food tasted good
  • Good teamwork
  • Good feedback
3 things that did not go so well…
  • We didn’t print out our posters or price lists

3 things you would change if done again…

Market day went pretty good for my group we worked well as a team, our food tasted food and we got a lot of good feedback from our customers. Unfortunately we forgot to print out our posters or price lists and if I would change something I would make sure we had our posters ready for the day.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Treaty essay

Historians argue that understanding the causes of significant events is much more important than just remembering dates, facts and figures about things in the past. The Treaty of Waitangi was a contract signed by the Maori and British in 1840. The treaty was needed because there were many issues between the whalers and the Maori. 

The behaviour that was happening at Kororareka was bad. Without the treaty the whalers would continue being lawless and disrespectful. The whalers behaviour would have continued to be harmful towards Maori which didn't lead to a positive relationship between the European and Maori. For example the whalers would arrive to Kororareka and spend all their money on drinking which there could be up to 200 of them at a time. There was also increased prostitution with no laws around it and just general bad behaviour. The treaty helped control the whalers because it provided laws that both sides agree to.

 The missionaries wanted to protect the Maori and their rights so they influenced them to sign the treaty. For example the missionaries would purchase land in trust for the Maori, taught them to read and write in Te Reo and helped them with their farming. The reason they encouraged the Maori to sign the treaty was because it was the best way to help them protect their rights.

 The introduction of muskets to Zealand caused wars that killed many people. Maori traded large quantities of food and flax in exchange for muskets. Traditional weapons such as taiaha and mere were used before muskets but with the introduction of them tribes without muskets were forced to seek trade with Pakeha for their own because otherwise they would have no chance winning these battles. These musket wars killed over 20,000 people. The impact of all of this was important because land boundaries were changing rapidly because of these wars. The Musket wars caused increased violence and deaths because there were no laws around the ownership/trading of muskets. A treaty helped to prevent this and provide stability.

Interestingly, there was actually another agreement before the treaty. The Declaration of Independence was an agreement with the British crown signed by 34 rangatira in 1835 which was five years before the treaty. The agreement had a few main points and purposes of why it was needed including the fact that the Maori had declared them selves to have power over the country also that New Zealand was an independent country. The Declaration of Independence helped the Maori a lot, they were able to trade without their ships getting seized because they now had a flag.

This essay has demonstrated that the treaty was needed in New Zealand. Due to the issues of the behaviour of the whalers, the musket wars and the Declaration of Independence many Maori were dying and being treated very badly. We could learn from these situations today by making a treaty. The past has shown that treaties has been successful in creating peace such as the Treaty of Waitangi. The treaty did this for New Zealand so we know that it is possible.   

Tuesday 29 October 2019



1. The word protege in Paragraph 1 means: (b) a gifted person. - SOMEONE UNDER THE PROTECTION OR SUPPORT OF ANOTHER
2. What did the pop diva intend to do with her new protege?: (b) Nuture and promote her
3. What event occurred first?: (c) The pop diva died
4. How did Icee Pearl feel when the pop diva died?: (a) Distressed
5. Icee Pearl and Degreem were both talented, but Degreema was more: (a) Ruthless
6. Degreema's feelings towards Icee Pearl can be described as: (a) jealousy
7. Paragraph 3 is mainly about: (b) Degreema and her magic Top 40 chart
8. What caused the seven musos to accompany Icee Pearl when she began to sing?: (c) her singing
9. What information would most likely be provided by the top 40 chart?: (a) the top 40 best-selling songs or records during a given period.
10. You can conclude Stevie Prince signed Icee Pearl to a recording contract because he:(b) recognised her talent and wanted to make her a star
11. The pronoun they in Paragraph 6 refers to the: (b) the seven musos
12. The author wanted to write a modern fairytale based on: (a) Snow white and the seven dwarfs



1. What weather occurrence signals the beginning of the Red Crab migration?: (a) Wet season rains
2. Which phrase is a simile comparing the migration with something else?: (b) 'like synchronised ballet'
3. What effect does the last quarter of the moon have on the timing of migration?: (a) High tide occurs at this time so crabs can easily reach the water's edge
4. It is a fact, not an opinion, that red crabs: (b) live on christmas island
5. After the males mate, they: (b) travel inland
6. You can conclude the Christmas Islanders care about the crabs because they: (c) build crab crossings
7. Which paragraph tells about the hazards of the migration? (c) paragraph 6
8. Male crabs immerse themselves in the sea before beginning the return journey: (c) to ensure that their bodies are well hydrated
9. This text was written as a form of: (a) report
10. The roads on Christmas Island are different from others because: (a) the crabs have right of way
11. The word them in paragraph 6 refers to the: (a) red crabs
12. In the future, the annual red crab migration will most probably: (c) attract more tourists

Education: Then to now
1. A slide rule, in the 1620s entry, is: (b) an early mathematical calculator
2. It is a fact, not an opinion, that many of the students with special needs: (b) are now placed in public classrooms
3. Which type of learning institution came first? (c) university
4. People were more easily able to access books because: (a) the printing press was invented
5. Cuisenaire rods were first used in: (c) Belgium
6. Maria Montessori believed: (a) young children learn by discovering things for themselves.
7. The first technology described in the text to help with mathematical calculations was introduced in: (b) 1620s
8. Choose the best alternative title for the time line. (b) The invention of education
9. The entries for 1620s and 1953 are similar because they involve: (b) mathematical calculations
10. When picture books were introduced, younger children probably: (a) wanted to read more
11. Which group of people were given the best opportunity in regards to education in its early period? (a) wealthy men
12. This text is written in the form of a/an: (c) recount

Turquoise 1
1. What is the best definition of the word ordeal in the title? (b) a large organisation
2. When the penguins start their journey in March they probably: (b) are hungry
3. If the penguins' rookery isn't far enough from the sea, the ice will: (a) break up
4. Which paragraph explains how the newly-hatched chick is first fed?
5. In which month is the male emperor penguin likely to feed after his long fast?
6. The word deteriorating in Paragraph 3 can be replaced with:
7. The egg develops inside the female for about:
8. What happens before the male shelters the egg in his brood pouch?
9. The pronoun it in Paragraph 5 refers to the:
10. Which statement is an opinion, not a fact?
11. When a female penguin first returns to the rookery, she will most probably:
12. Male and female emperor penguins are similar because they both:

Thursday 24 October 2019

Mythology Workshop

Mythology Workshop

I was peacefully walking along the beach when I suddenly seen something in the distance, it looked like rubbish was moving so I knew there was something wrong. I walked towards the rocks then I suddenly heard a small whelping noise. Shortly after I had finally found what was going on, there was a small turtle stuck in a plastic bag between some rocks. Unsure of how the turtle got stuck in there I immediately wasted no time and began to find ways to help the creature escape. The first method I tried was to just pull him out but it just wasn't working. After roughly five minutes of trying different ways I finally got it and held him whilst I took him back into the water to be free.


Monday 21 October 2019

Tangaroa Social Studies

We've been learning about the gods and I think it is interesting that other cultures have similar gods.

Thursday 17 October 2019

English essay brainstorm energy drinks

Under 16 should not be allowed to buy energy drinks 

  • Some energy drinks also contain exceptionally high levels of sugar, with on average 60 per cent more calories and 65 per cent more sugar than other regular soft drinks. 

  • This contributes to obesity and tooth decay.

  • Officials argue that excessive consumption has already been linked to health issues in children, from headaches and sleep problems to stomach aches and hyperactivity.

  • Surveys from teachers have also suggested that they contribute to poor behaviour in classrooms.

  • Their are a lot of concern over the effects of caffeine especially to minors.

  • Caffeine is the most widely consumed recreational drug on the planet.

  • Teenagers younger than 16 will no longer be able to buy energy drinks for themselves at Countdown supermarkets nationwide. Given their combination of high sugar content and addictiveness, it was the Ministry of Health's advice children should not consume energy drinks.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

- Strength
- Muscle
- Big
- Men
- Bodybuilders


- Girl
- Sensitive
- Soft

  • She has to cook and clean all day and has to be perfect
  • She does everything inside and her husband does the outside stuff
Most people don't clean like that 

He thought she was dumb but she proved him wrong.
No one expected her to get the job

Tuesday 17 September 2019


I need to improve on trampoline and I need to bounce with power to jump higher.
I did the ten jumps well
But I can improve by practising and doing all the routines in order.


Tuesday 10 September 2019


How technology has changed the population

Technology helped with producing more food and keeping clean which caused growth in the human population. This is because

Ways I will improve asking for feedback when I am unsure.

  1. To check any comments on my blog and fix any problems.
  2. To ask more often about the work when I am unsure.

Monday 2 September 2019


* There was a lot of planning that went into building a pyramid. Because of the weight, the location had to be on firm rock because building on sand would cause it to collapse. Specific measurements had to be made on the base size width and length. This was one of the most important decisions because it they were off, the pyramid would fall. Rock was cut out from quarries that were often quite a distance and carried on boats on the River Nile to the pyramid location. There were millions of pieces of rock that had to be just the right size to fit in place.


Friday 30 August 2019


How are adults are constructed in this text?

They depend on ratings and what other people think of them.

What kind of social reality does this portray?

This shows that the way we are addicted to social media these days eventually we could get to the point where we depend on likes/ratings.

How does this text construct a version of reality?

Where we have Instagram, Facebook etc. and we want more likes or shares on our posts

What different interpretations of this text are possible?

Not sure

In Black Mirrors "Nosedive" the rating system is very unfair because people are forced be in most ways someone they are not. In this story good characteristics for a female to have a "high rating" you must be polite at all times, very tidy looking, always happy & polite. Also with these ratings the 

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Cave drawing

My cave drawing is my hand print with yellow around it it is important to me because it is my hand.
The traditional technique I used was using my hand to paint and not brushes.

Cave Drawing (Liz)

My cave Drawing is my hand print in black and red stars around it.
This drawing is important to me because I made it.
The Cave art technique I used was using my bare hands to paint instead of using a paint brush.

Thursday 22 August 2019

social studies

Students are addicted to their phones and this is bad because they become distracted and don't listen to their teachers.

Friday 16 August 2019

Social Studies - Technology

Technology is creative process that utilises tools, resources and system to solve problems it also exchanges control over  natural and man-made environments to improve our lives.

- Virtual Reality
- Connecting via video call all around the world
- Transferring money
- Sending gifts
- Reading
- Communicating
- Showing work

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Learning outcomes:
Understand how symbols can be used to add meaning to a film

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Workshop 4 Colour english 2019

What types of colours are used in this location?

Atmosphere (Mood) - The way your surroundings make you feel

1. District 12 - Beginning
Brown, Green, Nature, Grey, White, Natural palette.

2. The Capitol
Bright colours, Pink, White, Multi-coloured, Metallic palette for buildings,

3. Control Room
Cyan, White, Black, Hologram, Clinical - clean.

How do the different colour palettes change the feel of the story?

District 12 - Dark, old, Gloomy

The Capitol - Crowded, Futuristic, Luxurious

Control Room - Technological, Crisp, Clean

Why has the director used these colours?

District 12 - Life is hard, Poor, struggling

The Capitol - Easy lives, Rich, Living Lavishly, Happy, Healthy, Access to everything.

Control Room - Professional, 

Colour is used effectively to create atmosphere. 
We see this in the two scenes --- District 12 at the beginning and the Capitol as Katniss and Peeta arrive. In District 12 we see a natural palette of browns, greys and greens where as in the capitol the people wear bright colours and a metallic palette of greys, silvers and white is used. This makes us understand that things in District 12 are dark, old and gloomy whilst life in the Capitol easy, crowded and futuristic. The director did this to show the imbalance of Rich vs Poor. This shows life is hard and people are poor in the districts, but in the capitol life is easy.

Friday 26 July 2019


Explain the purpose of the activity.

The purpose of this activity is to help us understand the aboriginal culture and the type of artwork they do for their culture and beliefs

Explain the story on your boomerangs, including the meaning of the colours.

The dots on my boomerang are my version of the traditional aboriginal dot paintings that represents a story. The story of mine are about  different cultures all together here in New Zealand. The blue background represents the blue part of the New Zealand flag and the white being the white part of the union jack that is also on the flag.

What went well while painting your boomerang?

The dots went well while I was painting my boomerang.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Hunger games workshop group 2

Track 1


Track 2

Fast strumming
Japanese style
The feeling of movement

Track 3

When Ru dies

Track 4

Leading up to something
Her thoughts

Song 1

Happy vibes

Song 2

Sad reflection

Tempo - speed

Faster - upbeat, more energy
Slower - sadder, sombre


Major - Full sounding chord, bright, happy
Minor - Sinister, sad

Dynamics - volume

Louder - energy, emotion, to get your point across more
Quieter - more subtle, focus

The first two minutes of the reaping scene they use silence.
Suspense - whats going to happen?
Makes us focus more
music during propaganda

Atmosphere - how you feel in a surrounding ( what your mood is)

Foreboding - something evil is going to happen ( or is coming )

Music and silence are used effectively to create a foreboding atmosphere in the Reaping scene. In the reaping scene the tributes from District 12 are selected and we see Katniss volunteer as tribute for her sister. The male tribute selected was Peeta. Silence is used when Effie draws out and reads the tributes names to make us feel like the moment is real to make us focus and draw out the suspense. The director has done this to make the audience worried about who will be chosen. Music was used to introduce the audience to Peeta when his name is drawn. The music is predominantly minor and has a slow tempo which makes us feel sad and worried like Peeta. This is combined with close-up shots of Peeta's worried facial expressions to draw the viewer in.

Keywords: Atmosphere/Mood - how you feel in the surroundings.


1. Reaping scene - District 12
2. Capital
3. Arena


Reaping Scene

  • Look like they're in a cult
  • Dark colours no bright until Effie
  • Faded
  • Girls have braided hair
  • Boys have short hair
  • They wear their best clothes on reaping day
  • Special occasion clothes
  • Girls are in dresses and skirts
  • Boys are in trousers and shirts
  • Over-worn clothing
  • They look the same to be equal
  • Recognise the district
  • Simple clothing


  • Setting is very flash
  • People wearing bright colours alot of makeup
  • Flash clothes 
  • Happy life
  • Long eyelashes 
  • Rich people
  • Wealthy
  • Bright 
  • Vibrant
  • Exaggerated 
  • Over the top
  • Loud
  • Crazy 
  • Unique
  • Don't all look the same
  • Nobody looks the same in the capital
  • Excessive makeup for both Male & Female
  • Everyone had something on their head
  • Extreme
  • Complex
  • Setting has advanced tech
  • Better style
  • Good quality made to wear once 
  • Camouflage
  • Dull
  • Greys/blacks/greens
  • Cargo pants
  • Jacket
  • T-shirt
  • Boots
  • They all look the same makes it easier to watch them die
  • Clothes fit the environment
  • Scared of being reaped
  • Tension
  • Sorry for them       
  • Hope & Rebellion
  • Poverty
  • Hard life
  • Hard work
  • People in the capital - Easy, wealthy
  • Rich vs poor
  • Rich have a lot more access where poor doesn't the rich can just put on a balm and be fine and in the district 12 you see people with eye patches, crutches etc. 
  • Struggle for power
The director has put the people in simple clothes to show that they are poor and to make us feel bad for them

The director has put us in a situation where we will dislike the people that live in the capital because they live easy and lavishly. They are arrogant because they think better then they are

Life isn't equal in all places

Effie becomes the symbol of rich vs poor


In the reaping scene costume is used effectively to show the imbalance between the rich and poor of Panam. For instance, the children of district twelve all look alike in dull, simple and over worn clothing. In contrast, Effie Trinkett arrives wearing bright colours, a large wig and head piece and excessive makeup. This makes the audience feel sorry for the people of district twelve because Effie is a symbol of the wealth in the capital. We see that not everyone lives in poverty. The director did this to show the hard life f those in katniss' home district. Coinciding with this is Effie's behaviour. She is loud, happy and confident while the people of the district are quiet and scared. This can be juxtaposed to the scene where Katniss and Peeta arrive in the capital. In this scene everyone else is rich and clean and they are the different ones.

Thursday 4 July 2019

My Food Bag Semester

Cucumber Tomato Avocado Salad - healthy, vegetarian, gluten free, vegan, paleo salad recipe! @PTrainerFoodMy profile target - Personal trainers around their 20s 

Cucumber, Tomato & Avacado Salad

  • Recipe is healthy, vegetarian, gluten free & vegan
  • Great for personal trainers lunch

  • 1 lb Roma tomatoes
  • 1 English cucumber
  • 1/2 medium red onion sliced
  • 2 avocados diced
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil or sunflower oil
  • 2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice (from 1 medium lemon)
  • 1/4 cup 1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped
  • 1 tsp sea salt or 3/4 tsp table salt
  • 1/8 tsp black pepper 


1. Place chopped tomatoes, sliced cucumber, sliced red onion, diced avocado, and chopped cilantro into a large salad bowl.
2. Drizzle with 2 Tbsp olive oil and 2 Tbsp lemon juice. Toss gently to combine. Just before serving toss with 1 tsp sea salt and 1/8 tsp black pepper

Out of all four of our recipes we decided to do Paiges recipe which was Spaghetti Bolognese 

Profile target: Middle aged men or small families


1. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the mince and the onion and fry for five minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mince is browned and the onions softened.
2. Add carrot, cook for around one minute, then add tinned tomatoes, tomato puree, and freshly ground black pepper. Stir well and bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to simmer for 15-20 minutes, until the sauce has thickened.
3. Place the wholemeal spaghetti in a deep saucepan full of salted boiling water and cook according to packet instructions, then drain.

4. To serve, divide the cooked spaghetti between four dishes, spoon equal portions of Bolognese sauce over each and sprinkle with parsley.

We added broccoli, carrots, chilli beans, sauce & garlic to our recipe whilst cooking which was a lot of added nutrients

I have learnt that when you add things to your recipes it can sometimes be better.
I have also learnt that

Hunger Games Film Study

LO: Understand the importance of setting to a film

Success Criteria: I can - Recognise features of setting, Track changes of setting throughout a film, Explain importance of setting in telling the story using examples from the text.