
Wednesday 31 July 2019

Workshop 4 Colour english 2019

What types of colours are used in this location?

Atmosphere (Mood) - The way your surroundings make you feel

1. District 12 - Beginning
Brown, Green, Nature, Grey, White, Natural palette.

2. The Capitol
Bright colours, Pink, White, Multi-coloured, Metallic palette for buildings,

3. Control Room
Cyan, White, Black, Hologram, Clinical - clean.

How do the different colour palettes change the feel of the story?

District 12 - Dark, old, Gloomy

The Capitol - Crowded, Futuristic, Luxurious

Control Room - Technological, Crisp, Clean

Why has the director used these colours?

District 12 - Life is hard, Poor, struggling

The Capitol - Easy lives, Rich, Living Lavishly, Happy, Healthy, Access to everything.

Control Room - Professional, 

Colour is used effectively to create atmosphere. 
We see this in the two scenes --- District 12 at the beginning and the Capitol as Katniss and Peeta arrive. In District 12 we see a natural palette of browns, greys and greens where as in the capitol the people wear bright colours and a metallic palette of greys, silvers and white is used. This makes us understand that things in District 12 are dark, old and gloomy whilst life in the Capitol easy, crowded and futuristic. The director did this to show the imbalance of Rich vs Poor. This shows life is hard and people are poor in the districts, but in the capitol life is easy.

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