
Tuesday 29 October 2019



1. The word protege in Paragraph 1 means: (b) a gifted person. - SOMEONE UNDER THE PROTECTION OR SUPPORT OF ANOTHER
2. What did the pop diva intend to do with her new protege?: (b) Nuture and promote her
3. What event occurred first?: (c) The pop diva died
4. How did Icee Pearl feel when the pop diva died?: (a) Distressed
5. Icee Pearl and Degreem were both talented, but Degreema was more: (a) Ruthless
6. Degreema's feelings towards Icee Pearl can be described as: (a) jealousy
7. Paragraph 3 is mainly about: (b) Degreema and her magic Top 40 chart
8. What caused the seven musos to accompany Icee Pearl when she began to sing?: (c) her singing
9. What information would most likely be provided by the top 40 chart?: (a) the top 40 best-selling songs or records during a given period.
10. You can conclude Stevie Prince signed Icee Pearl to a recording contract because he:(b) recognised her talent and wanted to make her a star
11. The pronoun they in Paragraph 6 refers to the: (b) the seven musos
12. The author wanted to write a modern fairytale based on: (a) Snow white and the seven dwarfs



1. What weather occurrence signals the beginning of the Red Crab migration?: (a) Wet season rains
2. Which phrase is a simile comparing the migration with something else?: (b) 'like synchronised ballet'
3. What effect does the last quarter of the moon have on the timing of migration?: (a) High tide occurs at this time so crabs can easily reach the water's edge
4. It is a fact, not an opinion, that red crabs: (b) live on christmas island
5. After the males mate, they: (b) travel inland
6. You can conclude the Christmas Islanders care about the crabs because they: (c) build crab crossings
7. Which paragraph tells about the hazards of the migration? (c) paragraph 6
8. Male crabs immerse themselves in the sea before beginning the return journey: (c) to ensure that their bodies are well hydrated
9. This text was written as a form of: (a) report
10. The roads on Christmas Island are different from others because: (a) the crabs have right of way
11. The word them in paragraph 6 refers to the: (a) red crabs
12. In the future, the annual red crab migration will most probably: (c) attract more tourists

Education: Then to now
1. A slide rule, in the 1620s entry, is: (b) an early mathematical calculator
2. It is a fact, not an opinion, that many of the students with special needs: (b) are now placed in public classrooms
3. Which type of learning institution came first? (c) university
4. People were more easily able to access books because: (a) the printing press was invented
5. Cuisenaire rods were first used in: (c) Belgium
6. Maria Montessori believed: (a) young children learn by discovering things for themselves.
7. The first technology described in the text to help with mathematical calculations was introduced in: (b) 1620s
8. Choose the best alternative title for the time line. (b) The invention of education
9. The entries for 1620s and 1953 are similar because they involve: (b) mathematical calculations
10. When picture books were introduced, younger children probably: (a) wanted to read more
11. Which group of people were given the best opportunity in regards to education in its early period? (a) wealthy men
12. This text is written in the form of a/an: (c) recount

Turquoise 1
1. What is the best definition of the word ordeal in the title? (b) a large organisation
2. When the penguins start their journey in March they probably: (b) are hungry
3. If the penguins' rookery isn't far enough from the sea, the ice will: (a) break up
4. Which paragraph explains how the newly-hatched chick is first fed?
5. In which month is the male emperor penguin likely to feed after his long fast?
6. The word deteriorating in Paragraph 3 can be replaced with:
7. The egg develops inside the female for about:
8. What happens before the male shelters the egg in his brood pouch?
9. The pronoun it in Paragraph 5 refers to the:
10. Which statement is an opinion, not a fact?
11. When a female penguin first returns to the rookery, she will most probably:
12. Male and female emperor penguins are similar because they both:

Thursday 24 October 2019

Mythology Workshop

Mythology Workshop

I was peacefully walking along the beach when I suddenly seen something in the distance, it looked like rubbish was moving so I knew there was something wrong. I walked towards the rocks then I suddenly heard a small whelping noise. Shortly after I had finally found what was going on, there was a small turtle stuck in a plastic bag between some rocks. Unsure of how the turtle got stuck in there I immediately wasted no time and began to find ways to help the creature escape. The first method I tried was to just pull him out but it just wasn't working. After roughly five minutes of trying different ways I finally got it and held him whilst I took him back into the water to be free.


Monday 21 October 2019

Tangaroa Social Studies

We've been learning about the gods and I think it is interesting that other cultures have similar gods.

Thursday 17 October 2019

English essay brainstorm energy drinks

Under 16 should not be allowed to buy energy drinks 

  • Some energy drinks also contain exceptionally high levels of sugar, with on average 60 per cent more calories and 65 per cent more sugar than other regular soft drinks. 

  • This contributes to obesity and tooth decay.

  • Officials argue that excessive consumption has already been linked to health issues in children, from headaches and sleep problems to stomach aches and hyperactivity.

  • Surveys from teachers have also suggested that they contribute to poor behaviour in classrooms.

  • Their are a lot of concern over the effects of caffeine especially to minors.

  • Caffeine is the most widely consumed recreational drug on the planet.

  • Teenagers younger than 16 will no longer be able to buy energy drinks for themselves at Countdown supermarkets nationwide. Given their combination of high sugar content and addictiveness, it was the Ministry of Health's advice children should not consume energy drinks.