
Tuesday 9 April 2019

Children war SEEL paragraph

Why are children used in War and how does this take away their Human Rights and Freedom?

Child soldiers are forced to join military groups at a young age, usually because children are easier to manipulate and force into conflict. Recruiters target children from troubled areas. Children participating in armed conflict has huge consequences for the physical and emotional development of children. Many children are forced to commit horrific acts, this takes away their right to freedom because they don't have a choice where they partake in these events or not. Children as young as 10 years old have faced horrific abuse in Somalia. While the recruitment of child soldiers by the Somali insurgent group is not new, the report said the scale of child abductions over the past two years is like nothing documented in the past. Children that come from poor countries have more risk of being recruited as a child soldier and having their freedom taken away from them at a young age.

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