
Wednesday 29 November 2017

Water Pollution

Water pollution is an increasing concern, which is created when waste is brung into the waters which makes the water polluted. Those who care for waterways are greatly concerned about water pollution as because they can see how much it has increased over the years and if nothing is done about it they know that it will just get too bad. In Rotorua and many other places around Aotearoa they have drain covers to help raise awareness that their are fish in the water and when you throw rubbish down the drains it eventually gets out to the water.

  • Sometimes water pollution can occur through natural causes such as volcanoes, storms, floods etc.
  • But most water pollution comes from human activity, some human causes include sewage, waste water and chemicals from construction sites but the main is trash from people littering.
  • Oil spills, some of the most famous incidents of water pollution have been caused by oil spills.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Reading Log

- My Reading Log -

Mr Stink

Mr Stink is a homeless man who lives on a bench and after months of driving past him a young girl decided she would talk to him, she didn’t realise how posh and lovely he would be, the only thing really was that he had a very unpleasant smell which lead to her having to stop breathing out of her nose as the smell was unbearable, the man “Mr Stink” had mentioned to her no one has ever talked to him she began to think it was because of his scruffy appearance. Another thing he had said is he hasn’t had a bath since last year! She also thought that would mix in with the horrible smell. The young girl decided to try sneak eight sausages to the tramp, the first time she got caught but once she had involved her dad he helped her get it. Also when she got to Mr Stink she was a bit nervous but eventually she started another good conversation with him and gave him the sausages to eat and he ate them very quick and even asked her if she had more. She apologised and said she didn’t have any more but that she’d bring some more the next day for him.


In this story, there is a boy and a girl in which are best friends and they were playing a game but couldn’t get past the “hard level” because it was “hacked” or “rigged” as they described it. So because they knew that level was too difficult they decided to watch a movie they love but frequently watch. The boy and girl love to play zombie games watch zombie movies so basically zombie everything! They are like obsessed with zombies. It is one of their like things to do zombie things together, it’s just what they do.

One Day
This story is about a little boy who’s dad wanted him to be like the other kids and learn the skills of Tumatauenga but the boy didn’t despite all the times his dad told him to learn the skills he never wanted to go and learn, his father didn’t think he’d ever be a good person/hero because of this until one day when the boy and his friend were walking through the forest and found someone who was sick and the boy used natural medicines from plants to make him better the person who was sick was so grateful that he was saved by the boy and told everyone in the village about what they boys had done. They young boy whose father wanted him to learn the skills was so proud of his son and also apologised because his son had his own skills and was original and it still paid off that he wasn’t like the other kids.

The Gift

This story is about a boy that got teased by his cousins and other young relatives of his because of his name and the fact that he always came last in races, the boy then discovers his name was inherited to him from a great chief whose gift was use of the taiaha, the boy also then discovered his give was the flute and stood to play the flute in front of his whanau. That was the moment he stopped getting teased because although he wasn’t good at running his cousins weren’t good at playing the flute so they could no longer tease him.

The Forgotten Taniwha

The taniwha who was also the kaitiaki of the local pa was named Ngakau Pono which means loyal heart, he was named this because he was always helping his people with whatever they needed but one day the Pakeha arrived and all the Maori left to a new place, Ngakau Pono was then forgotten so he went to sleep. Ruaumoko also burped and created an earthquake and so the people started to build over where the taniwha lived. Then one day the taniwha woke up because he was being called, he heard a karanga and so he awoke and realised his people where their again so he could help them again.

  • Ngakau Pono has been looking after his people for hundreds of years, until his people left the pa. But one day they returned and Ngakau Pono was awaken from being called by a karanga.

My Place

This story is about a little boy who lives with his Mum, Dad, Grandmother & Aunty, in this story it shows a map of mike’s “place” so like his house and surroundings. The next page tells you about Sofia and her place, sofia is ten years old and is from Greece. Her older brother called Michaelis is currently in Vietnam because he is a soldier, before Michaelis went away they had a goodbye party and sofia had lots of fun bt was still sad that her big brother way leaving but proud of him also.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Oamaru Stone Carving

The first day of stone carving, Koro Mitchell taught us how to use all the tools and we all started to do our first project, a koru pretty much straight away, at first they all looked really terrible but the slowly got better with Mr Mitchell's help. The second session of stone carving, it was all going well and I had the shape of my koru all done and I was just about to start putting the shadowing effect thing onto my koru when my koru fell off the table, broke and left me with two separate pieces. So what we decided to do was change my project and turn it into a koru spiral ball. Spiral ball is almost finished I carved the spirals into the ball with a chisel and files, all I need to do now is begin  sanding and spray the stuff on mine. we began sanding my spiral and it's almost finished. I finished the spiral ball and now onto second project. We started the flax project and we are all almost finished, this one seems to be alot easier then the koru.