
Friday 25 May 2018


Lately in English I have been working on my static image, mine is mostly about the quote from the book Abomination "You Can't Keep Secrets From God". I am still in the design process for this and so far I have drawn a bible and a cross on the top and I will be adding the quote to the image today and also adding colour.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Protein- any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds which have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, etc and as enzymes and antibodies.

Studies show that eating a high-protein diet has a number of health benefits. The benefits of protein in your diet not only help you maintain and lose weight, but protein also works to stabilise your blood sugar levels, improve your ability to learn and concentrate, reduce brain fogboost your energy levels, support your muscles and bones and support the absorption of important nutrients.

In almost every food
High-protein diets may promise weight loss, but it may only be short term. Excess protein is usually stored as fat while the surplus of amino acids is excreted. This can lead to weight gain over time, especially if you consume too many calories while trying to increase your protein intake.

What happens if I don’t get enough protein?

Protein deficiency is mostly caused by essential amino acid deficiency. Deficiency of each of the nine essential amino acids causes distinct symptoms. Deficiency of any of them prohibits the synthesis of a variety of proteins.  Without protein, the human body cannot function normally.
Early signs of protein deficiency include:
  • Muscle loss (unexpected weight loss)
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Uneasiness (anxiety)
  • Anaemia

Wednesday 16 May 2018


The particles move more when they're hot and spread out more.
The water also becomes lighter so it rises up.

Image result for convection experiment
I was curious about what life would be like living in a cult, so I decided to read someones story they wrote about what their life was like growing up in a cult, in her story she talked about how they would have to sit in 4 hour meetings every morning and how they found it normal and that people not living in the cult they thought were weird. She was born into the cult and knew no other lifestyle so assumed that it was completely normal.

Wednesday 9 May 2018


SSR English

Today in English for sustained silent reading, I chose to read an article from stuff about a 1 year old baby being flown to hospital in the Bay of Plenty after falling out a car window, the car was stationary at the time and the baby has suffered head injuries. The authors purpose was to inform the reader, the target audience is more adults.


Today in English for SSR, I chose to read another article from stuff, it was about an Otago man being swallowed by a sudden hole, the guy was feeding his goldfish when suddenly he just dropped into around a 3metre hole, until someone nearby hear him screaming and helped him. the author's purpose was to inform the reader the target audience is more adults.


Today in English I read about a car crash in Kawerau, a man died in a serious crash, the crash was caused when the police caught a driver speeding and attempted to pull them over, but the vehicle sped off and police pursued. During the pursuit the driver lost control of the vehicle and hit a tree and died. The authors purpose was to inform, target audience is more adults.


Wednesday 2 May 2018

When you heat metal the particles get bigger and it expands because it absorbs the heat energy we proved this by heating a brass ball over a bunsen burner and the brass ball before we heated it fitted through a ring but after we heated it didn't fit.

What does Matariki mean?

Matariki has two meanings, both of which refer to the cluster of stars. Mata Riki means Tiny Eyes, and Mata Ariki means Eyes of God.
Matariki is a time in the year where you get to see the seven stars but only sometimes