
Monday 14 August 2017

Orana Park

Our Eventful Day At Orana Park

The day started with us waiting for literally ever in the carpark to get sorted, I mean at least it was a beautiful day so I patiently waited. Finally after about 10 minutes of waiting we finally got separated and lead to “Zoo school” because it was morning tea. But before we could eat we had to go into this room and talk about health and safety for our own well-being. When we were finally allowed to eat Pearl, Naomi & myself grabbed our bags and pulled out some food and proceeded to eat it.

After we had eaten we followed our zoo keeper she leaded us to the kea’s and we were looking at them while she was explaining to us different facts and things about them it was really interesting, even though I was mainly looking at the animals. After we had visited the kea we then were lead to kiwi it was a really dark space, we adjusted to the darkness and unfortunately none of the kiwi came out for us well all we could see were their beaks. After that we continued onto the lions but an interesting fact we found out about those lions is they don’t have manes because they have been neutered also they sleep most of the day. During the day we also seen Cheetahs, Tigers, Giraffes, Rhino & Buffalos we learnt heaps of facts about those animals so throughout the day we learnt a lot of things we didn’t know. Our zoo keeper explained everything very clearly so we understood her quite well.

Although it was a very long day it was a fun and i’m very thankful to Orana park for choosing our school as a school that got to go to the zoo it was a really fun experience that we all go to go on.  On our way back to school it was a really tight squeeze on the buses but we got through it eventually.

Hinepukohurangi Miller